If you operate a business in Minnesota, get out now, close it down or the "inmates will be running the asylum now!"
A recent Minnesota Court of Appeals ruling provided that an employee who is absent, who never calls in, never tells the employer anything when he is gone, never has any excuse, not even a phone call when he is coming back, is still entitled to receive UNEMPLOYMENT COMPENSATION.
Who is sitting on this court, morons? Must be. What employer under what possible circumstances could allow such behavior and then allow that person when finally fired, seek payments for that behavior?
I wonder if the justices' clerks just failed to show up to work, whenever they wanted, never called them to provide a date when they would return, if they would find the same under those circumstances.
It's time for any reasonable business to MOVE out of that state, and on the other hand, it's time for every lazy, drunk, irresponsible workers to start moving in! There is simply no place better to work and take advantage of the system established to punish work, and reward lazy people.
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