I went on-line to get a tax form today, and in the forms section the IRS has listed a total of 1,124 available forms to be used to file various tax reports!
I started looking through some of these forms, and after reading the names of what they were purportedly to report, I started to laugh, nervously, and marveled at how a bureaucracy grows and grows out of control.
It all started with one form, a simple three line form that easily fit on a post card, the first income tax....one page three lines, now 1,124 forms with a possible estimated 27,000 different lines to fill in...just think 27,000 lines!
Are these really necessary, some are really funny sounding....
I like the idea of NO FORMS...just pay the tax when you buy something or sell something, and that's it...NO FORMS, no withholding anything...just use it and pay right there, at the time that the transaction takes place, and walk away..no more forms!
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