As expected, another government fiasco in the first week of a new program referred to as the "CASH FOR CLUNKERS" special program. You know what it is....another government stupid program.
Of course it is not able to be administered, and it was a farce. Dealers and consumers are apparently already stiffed due to the fact that it was to operate till November while the money has already run out.
Dealers have unprocessed cars, unprocessed deals and have often had to cancel sold deals due to government ineptness.
And this program only was a tiny one time $1 billion deal. Imagine the $1 trillion the government wants to manage on your health care.....!!!!! YIKES!!!!!!!
Stupid is as stupid does!
As I saw the reports of this latest screwing by the government of dealers and consumers, I passed by a new CADILLAC car dealership that was opened just a few years ago in my town.
It was really a very good looking business and it replaced a decrepit old and abandoned factory building that was an eyesore for years.
The site was purchased by an independent businessman, an owner of several other dealerships and was quite an improvement in our town. he invested MILLIONS into the land and building, the manpower and the related costs to start this business.
In the last two months GM "GOVERNMENT MOTORS" TOLD HIM THAT THEY WERE CANCELING HIS DEALERSHIP as part of the reduction of 1,500 Cadillac dealers down to 500 nationwide.
Thanks Mr. Obama....your ineptness will result in 50 people losing their jobs and the entrepreneur losing millions! Furthermore our town will have an abandoned building right in the center of town near its entrance.
Screwed twice: first closing of the dealership, and second by not allowing a clunker to be taken in trade.
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