It would seem that we would want our country to grow, our economy to expand and bring more wealth to Americans. But not if Senator Lautenberg (Democrat-New Jersey) has his way! This genius has introduced a bill to remove from the roads by the year 2020 at least 10% of all truck traffic!
How do we get our products ordered on line, or how do we get the fresh fruits and vegetables delivered? DUMMY.....
What is it about these politicians who are so destructive to our way of life?
Not only will there be lots more people by 2020 who will need goods delivered, but the illegal aliens alone will likely add another 25 million to our population.
This bill is nothing else other than lunacy.
The former chairman of the American Trucking Association, Ray Kuntz testified before the Senate calling this proposal ridiculous, and a job killer as well.
Let's remember well this job killer, and vote him out while insisting that he cut back his own hot air consumption by 10%.
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