THE U.S. POSTAL SERVICE will deliver though rain, snow, etc., and has done a pretty good job delivering to every address in the United States for a measly 45 cents (new rate effective 1-22-12) a one ounce first class letter.
As a result, it lost billions and billions due to lack of revenues sufficient to cover its costs, the largest of which is now its bloated pension program which allows for other government employment, such as military service to count toward retirement.
It is an easy fix....charge the right amount to cover the costs!!!!!
Other countries have figured this out...it costs the equivalent of $1.65 to mail a similar letter in Australia; $.075 in Germany; $.60 in Canada; $.76 in Japan and $.73 in the United Kingdom...so that is what they charge!
Problem fixed...raise the rates and quit asking the rest of us to pony up the difference.
Every business enterprise operated on the simple principle of taking in more than its expenses so as to operate at a profit, otherwise it fails.
True to its typical government mandated incompetence, instead of modernizing its operations, streamlining, and making it possible to deliver mail faster, the morons running the USPS have announced that they will close down regional sorting centers so that the mail will now move even SLOWER!!!!
As usual, your government at work, wasting your money and being inefficient.
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