I always listen to the STATE OF THE UNION SPEECH no matter who makes it just to see what the President is thinking.
Obama, is a moron, that is my conclusion after listening to his rambling.
Among his many convoluted crazy ideas/remarks, he said something about wanting businesses to hire more employees...of course he does not understand the basic principle that hiring occurs when business picks up and employees are necessary.
He then followed up by castigating "multi-national" companies ( in other words all the large US companies that employ lots of Americans here in America) by announcing that notwithstanding the existing tax treaties he was going to increase their tax burden and then he wanted them to hire more people in America.
Can there be anything more stupid ever said?
Mr. President, do you understand that the reason that there are well paid employees in America working for these multi-national companies is that they also make a profit in other countries that support the workforce here?
Apple and Microsoft is a good example...well paid employees in the USA supplemented by low cost production and other engineering personnel in foreign locations. So these two need to be punished for being successful overseas??
That is why we can get a $99 hi tech phone...because it is made by apple overseas....!
He also does not understand ( since he never bought a stock) that when a person, anyone, gets paid, taxes are paid at the time of earning a salary. Then, whatever is left to be able to be saved and invested by that person, after all taxes are paid, if he buys a stock, and it makes money he pays again another tax, the capital gain tax of 15% on those earnings from the investment.
So, if you consider the rich and the super rich as he likes to say paying their taxes at the top individual rate of say 35% first, plus Social Security at 6.5%, then added to 15%, the tax rate is 56.5%!!!!!
The government gets more money than you do!!!!!!
This guy wants to get more of it to pay for constant overspending!!!!
His plan is to pay for every type of crazy plans that he announced.,..more alternative energy at high cost to consumers instead of low cost oil and gas!!!!
More waste, more cost, less hope, all change.
Please let this be the last time we have to listen...oh he also announced another inquiry into the problems caused by the banks related to housing.....again!
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