There is an old saying, "I'm from the government and I am here to help you."
That is the oxymoron that we have all learned to be true over and over again in every aspect of whatever the government sticks its nose into. Just try to name a single program initiated by or mandated by the government that works, that is not way out of control or is not spending the country into financial ruin, go ahead, name one.
There is no such program, every single federal program is not working as intended financially or for that matter operationally either.
The States need to step in, cut off the head of that juggernaut federal government constantly interfering in their affairs. All the powers not granted to the federal government were to be reserved to the states...what happened to that???
Every day and in every way the Federal bureaucrats interfere or elbow their way into every aspect of our life, with the latest being the first lady herself, telling us what to fee our children!
The feds mandate how much water is in our toilet bowl, what to do with our water from washing the car in the driveway, how much shampoo we can take in a plastic bad in our luggage, even the size of the plastic bag is mandated as well!!!!
Now the worst of all possible mandates are the various anti-manufacturing and anti- business proposals by the current group of naive non business academics running every federal agency and in all levels of the federal agency tentacles.
As the true unemployment hovers at 17.5%, the bureaucrats want to mandate that all business agree to having their employees become union members just by a "card check", adding to the business cost burden. Every aspect of a new business starting a manufacturing plant is regulated to slow down the process of getting started and going, in hiring employees and expanding the business.
Existing businesses are hassled and inspected and fined and mandated to the point where they simply close up. I just experienced seeing a 80 year old foundry finally closing up since they could not possible spend $4 million on additional cleaning processes for an already clean emission plant. Goodbye to the 250 jobs in the town.
I recall looking at the inspection reports by the OSHA inspector at a manufacturing plant, which for instance stated that the garbage disposal receptacles needed to be moved, and that a fan in the washroom needed cleaning or fines would be imposed, and that the inspector could come back and if not repaired they would be "written up".
I know of several instances of established USA based businesses, in manufacturing that simply were forced out of doing business in the USA due to mandates, regulation, etc., and simply contracted the manufacturing offshore....making more money and having less to worry about in running the business. At present they have a sales and order taking office only, with no OSHA mandates to worry about and be hassled by, also with 100 less employees, as they only needed 7 to run the same business, having all the manufacturing off-shored!
Any manufacturer would be crazy not to first consider off-shoring the manufacturing process due to the obvious cost savings, but also the ease of operating a business, getting tax credits to start elsewhere, getting income tax holidays etc.
So far only Puerto Rico has been smart enough to grant a total tax holiday for businesses starting there..and it is working. They just elected a Republican governor! He was a former Director of Economic Development on the island.
Imagine that, a pro-business Republican who is expanding business growth due to a tax holiday! Business is starting to boom there.
The last resort of stupid politicians is to deny the fact that the world is now one gigantic market place for goods, manufactured goods that the USA used to be the leader of. Well, no more.
Think about it; the USA has 5% of the world's population, so in theory 95% of the world still wants what we have, EVERYTHING! Cars, refrigerators, trucks, homes, building materials, baby carriages, diapers, furniture, TV's, stereos, gadgets, shoes, clothes, etc., etc...!
How many of these products can we competitively manufacture in the USA????
Look at that list...now look in your own home, garage or closet...what from that list is manufactured in the USA????? I have a dining room set that was so beautiful, and so inexpensive, we just had to get it, guess what; it was made in China!
The rest of the world thus can not even buy a USA manufactured product, because now it would simply be too expensive to be sold competitively.
So all that talk about predicting improved employment numbers, getting people "back to work" is really just a bunch of talk. It can not happen, since there are less and less places to work, and even less to work at a "decent" wage.
Manufacturing wages were generally contributing to some of the best wages available, but with less and less manufacturing going on there can be no such jobs. The biggest growth will be in retail industries which are marketing more and more of the low priced products made offshore someplace.
Lastly, the final nail in the consumer's coffin is best demonstrated by just my Saturday trip to the WALMART store to pick up my "usual" weekly staples ranging from edibles to disposables.
The government has decided to destroy the value of the US Dollar by printing up about a trillion ( yes trillion) of them thus decreasing their value.
Just in the last two weeks, at my local WALMART, literally every item that was manufactured offshore was priced higher. The items that required longer distance trucking were priced higher, the items that were heavier were priced higher, and the prescriptions or over the counter medications that would be routinely purchased out of my pocket were each and every one priced higher.
Thus my disposable income met my budget amount, something had to be cut thus less employment for somebody in the USA, indirectly impacting a whole slew of domino effect service providers such as warehouse people, trucking and packaging, ships and shipping etc., etc.
Inflation in the sense that products cost more for no particular reason is actually being created by the government who is publicly saying that they are trying to stop it. This is the worst inflation as it is due to the lower valuation of the dollars we have to spend, and that is directly the result of again, you guessed it...GOVERNMENT ACTIONS AND MANDATES.
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