The final stroke in any remaining support that the President had with any reasonable thinking people, was finally shattered when last week. when he referred to those who oppose his irresponsible policies as "enemies".
That's it, it is over for this arrogant,under-educated,over-hyped, false uniter of Americans.Too bad we can not sue to get our country back and recall him from office. His statements about working together, etc....was never valid, and simply a lie. His fiscal naivete is now legendary, we are all going broke while he "writes" books and gets million in cash advances that now total $6 million in his bank account.
The president's trip to India will cost taxpayers $200 million a day as he takes 3,000 people with him as well as helicopters, cars, and who knows what on such a needless trip.
Fiscally, Nancy Pelosi, the capo de capo of the president in the House of representatives stated that there will be NO DEFICIT SPENDING...while adding $5 TRILLION to the national debt with absolutely nothing to show for it, other than just increased debt.
Most of the Americans now graduating from our woeful public school system does not have any idea as to what this staggering deficit means to them, so it is irrelevant to them and will mean nothing the rest of their lives. The rest of us, know that this is the total destruction of the America as it was, the bastion of fiscal responsibility, the financial standard of the world.
The election today will hopefully change that in a major way...as it needs to be changed. Future plans for this president included a bevy of fiscally irresponsible actions such as forced union membership, union pension bailouts, crony cap and trade legislation, onerous fuel standards, higher electric bills, and staggering increases in health care costs.
How can anyone support such policies, other than those who are uninformed?
The end is one day away....HELP...just in the nick of time...but still we are burdened with the fiscal disaster awaiting the future generations.
There is no reason that we have to give everyone who can not afford it, FREE STUFF: housing, health care, food, utility payments, etc....let's get them to WORK instead.
A growing economy " floats all boats".
Let's start floating,,,,,today's election will be a start.
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