Is it any surprise that the government is surprised about their predictions not being on target?
It seems that the government is surprised about everything it is predicting, or has predicted, and that somehow all the magical things that should have happened, have not in fact happened at all!
The simple fact is that the government honchos, most of whom have never lived in the real world, or were elites looking only at theory rather than reality through their university positions or the like,do not have a "connection" with the daily realities we all face. These include creeping increases in the cost of daily necessities such as gasoline,electricity, heating and cooking gas, and just about everything else.
Most importantly, the businesses that employ the majority of Americans, are carefully watching their dwindling profits collapsing and thus are forced to consider layoffs, just to remain viable. The thinking that they will keep a long time employee "just in case" business picks up is no longer the case, as realities take hold.
There is no surprise in the jobless claims, the increase in only the beginning of what will be a continuing trend as long as the nasty new mandates are in place and more are schduled to start in the future.
There is a little ray of hope in that some of the future mandates can be killed, or defunded after the November elections which foretell a backlash by voters, and may sweep in a new majority opposed to the continued destruction of jobs and finances of working people.
When the jobless start to have no jobs to replace those they lost, it becomes a strange circle of lower paying future jobs that will be replacing the ones that were lost, and this will cause a lower living standard for this entire group of people.
Thus, it will be no surprise when the jobless claims continue for a while to rise and the unemployed will stay that way or will finally accept lower paying jobs...which will inevitably cause a domino effect on the entire economy.
The result will be the continuation of loss of value in homes, in less demand from consumers for hard goods, clothing and automobiles most of which will be beyond the cost afforded by the average worker.
Government needs to get out of the way, and follow the advice of a former famous CEO, Lee Iaccoca, who said, " lead, follow or get out of the way". Right now it is only standing in the way, leading the country on the wrong path, and refusing adamantley to follow the will of the people.
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