When the nation elected the new President who had touted HOPE AND CHANGE, they expected a positive change and hoped for it to happen.
The new President, being a totally inexperienced and naive community organizer, really has no idea about how any business really operates. He had chosen then to attempt to demonize every "big" business as somehow bad for the country, and oil companies, health care companies and the auto companies were the first recipients of the "change" announced previously.
Furthermore, the new President then decided to make executive level appointments of even more politically driven, agenda driven equally inexperienced people to run this country. So they proceeded to demonize more industries, more entrepreneurs and business in general.
Where do these guys think all the USA population will work? The answer is in a business!
After noticing that their rhetoric is not adding to business, the administration then concocted a variety of "business friendly" incentives to stimulate the hiring of employees. However, none of these stimulants are related to the "real world" of business, but are rather academic mumbo-jumbo concocted by inexperienced and agenda driven politico operatives that do not understand anything, (emphasis added anything) about what motivates a business to hire new employees.
For instance the center piece of their strategy was a TAX CREDIT, for every employee hired, but as usual there were so many restrictions and conditions, that no business has really even bothered to be incentivised to use such a credit.
There is absolutely no reason for a business to hire a new employee until there is a NEED FOR THE EMPLOYEE! Hello, does anyone out there understand this?
A tax credit also means that there has to be a taxable income to offset, and for many businesses, that is a very small amount, so there is no incentive per-se to add an employee. Why would I hire a new employee, if I got now stuck paying for health care, the added taxes at all levels for such an employee, and then receive a one time credit that I may not be able to use?
Clueleess is not the name of a movie, it is reality coming from our elected officials who are just adding to the problems of a business which is already burdened with needless regulations, taxes, tax forms, reports, compliances, mandates and threats of fines for every little thing.
The new OBAMACARE plans would force the providing of health care to employees, and that cost will become astronomical with all the conditions put on those plans.
So, the bottom line is that there will not be any job growth, when businesses do not see a pick up in business, since business adds employees wisely, unlike the government, and adds them when necessary not due to a tax credit.
HELP save us from our incompetent government...what have they done well, ever?
Every single government program, which was touted as the end all be all, is a disaster, every one: Social Security is broke; New Orleans rebuilding is broke; stimulus is broke; banking guarantee funds are broke; the budget is impossible and the country is only borrowing but is technically broke; welfare handouts, housing vouchers and medicaid is broke, AND SO ON AND SO ON.
Now, the government wants to make all business broke....what will then be left?
As a famous movie hero said, " stupid is as stupid does!".
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