As we are now expecting, anything that the government is responsible for is usually something we can not count on and is probably just a waste of money. We were proven right again in the GULF oil catastrophe.
Long, long ago after previous disasters various government agencies were mandated to be the FIRST RESPONDERS on such an event and that they were to have FIRE BOOMS instantly available...that was a LAW. Instead, there were no fire booms to use.
The fire booms are special means to gather the oil and to burn it. There were none, they had to find some company in Illinois that had one, yet there is an entire group of bureaucrats that have offices, budgets, limos to ride around in probably, assistant directors, and such and yet they have no booms!
So again the government has failed in its responsibility ( just go visit New Orleans to see the abandoned homes).
Shame on you passing around the incompetence and responsibility.
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