How would you feel about this scenario if you heard it.
Let's say that your neighbor or best friend is spending more money than he earns, and then he told you that he is asking all his banks to lend him more money, asking his credit card providers to lend him more money, and that as far as he can predict he will not make sufficient income to ever pay back any of these loans!
In fact he expects to be spending $1 TRILLION ( that's a thousand billion!) more than he earns every year for as many years as he can predict and he is taking on more and more loans and obligations that are bound to increase this total.
What would you say to this person?
Well friends, this is our government at work, and we are the hapless neighbor standing there watching the self destruction of this person...except that it is not a person it is our COUNTRY!
Since about 20% of all Americans are functionally illiterate, according to statistics provided by the Department of Education, they have no idea about any of this. Another 25% depend on some program or handout from a government so that they support all government spending in the hope that some of it will end up in their pocket, we can assume that 55% of Americans are clueless or in favor of these policies!
This is a road of no return that will destroy the value of our currency, the value of our savings, as well as significantly diminishing our standard of living.
The runaway spending is unprecedented, it will be the destruction of America just as it destroyed the Roman Empire...exactly for the same reasons in 400 AD, and the Weimar Republic in the early 20th Century.
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