Peruse Chevrolet's February sales release, and you'll notice one number that's blatantly missing: the number of Chevy Volts sold. The number – a very modest 281 – is available in the company's detailed data, but it certainly isn't something that GM wants to highlight, apparently. Keeping the number quiet is a bit understandable, since it's lower than the 321 that Chevy sold in January.
Nissan doesn't have anything to brag about here, either (and it didn't avoiding any mention of the Leaf sales in its press release). Why? Well, back in January, the company sold 87 Leafs. In February? Just 67. Where does that leave us? Well, here's the big scorecard for all sales of these vehicles thus far:
* Volt: 928
* Leaf: 173
Ouch. The big questions, of course, revolve around one word: "Why?" Is ramping up production and deliveries still a problem? Is demand weak? Are unscrupulous dealers to blame? When will sales start to climb? And what are these numbers doing to plug-in vehicle work at other automakers?
This a great example of a government mandate being pushed down consumers throats, a car that nobody wants since it is not useful to any normal consumer.
They go 40 miles, they are expensive, there are no places to plug them in, people realize that though the Volt does not emit carbon into the atmosphere, the coal that burned to generate the electricity to charge them does, and, plain and simple, nobody wants them. This is really simple. One only has to look a little bit further on the whole "green" concept to realize that it is a sham. You have all fallen into the trap.
Oh, last week CONSUMER REPORTS after testing the VOLT, concluded that if one drives it at a higher speed ( as most people do) it may get a lot less range since the batteries get used up faster!!!! So you may not make it to the local store to get milk, and then may need a tow back home!
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