Have you noticed that every single item you may be buying on a regular basis so as to remember its price, is UP this Christmas? Every item I regularly buy is up at every store including WALMART as the dollar has lost value against key currencies and the costs of delivering the products to the stores has increased dramatically for truckers and delivery companies.
Worse yet, due to the irresponsible fiscal policies of the government, the 7 year moratorium on drilling for oil off our coasts, and other "wimpy" non decisive actions, the price of gasoline has skyrocketed as well as now bringing Obama's prediction of higher prices for electricity-all these have made it an easy prediction to say that you should buy everything BIG NOW, before it all goes higher in 2011, and it will.
Imagine, corn is over $6 a bushel...this is a staple in all food products, as well as thousands of non-food items and it is about double its usual price; DOUBLE. Did you remember that one of the key MANDATES of the government is to force more and more ETHANOL TO BE USED in gasoline...? What will happen to the price of gasoline if a mandated component is now double in cost?
The administration promised no new taxed for various population groups...well they did worse as the cost increases are worse than taxes and will cost everyone a significant amount, EVERYONE.
Look for $4 gasoline in 2011, as start, then everything else going higher due to the costs of transportation alone. Logistics, the ability to get deliveries to every little convenience store and to your home by UPS and USPS will go up and therefore the cost of the products will also.
In December 2009, gasoline average price $1.61, today two years later $3.04, just short of double!
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