I am really upset seeing the oiled and helpless wildlife struggling and dying due to the GULF OF MEXICO OIL DISASTER. I love animals and admire their ability to exist without the need to buy food at the food store or drink bottled water. How do they do it?
Anyway, now to the subject of government versus business (IN OTHER WORDS THE REAL WORLD THAT THE REST OF US LIVE IN).
The oil disaster is just that, a disaster, and the entire Gulf Coast plus maybe even parts of the Eastern Shore will suffer. The tourist industry as well as health issues will be impacted. But again there is an indirect though of unintended consequences that the government refuses to take responsibility for, and wants to just keep blaming everyone else.
Our federal legislators, most of whom had no idea that the Gulf of Mexico is not just a lake in Mexico, do not want drilling for oil to take place close to shore in shallow water. Instead they make unreasonable edicts allowing drilling to take place in waters so deep, they never expected them to actually drill there as the technology is so complicated and dangerous. But as usual business creates the opportunity to invent etc...
The GULF OF MEXICO has over 4,000 drilling rigs sucking out oil, helping us keep the dollars to buy it in the USA. These rigs however are also increasingly foreign companies doing the drilling, not US companies. But still, the oil is here not in a hostile foreign country supporting terrorism, for instance.
We can safely assume that BP, did its best hiring the best drilling contractors experienced in the business and that they did not EVER intend to cause an accident of this scope.
The government, as usual, did not do its job, ranging from a lack of supervision that was mandated, having oil and fire booms deployed and ready, and even having its personnel surfing porn all day instead of doing inspections.
So what else is new? We all just assume that there is nothing but incompetence in that sector of overpaid and under-worked bureaucracy.
Now after a month of oil pouring out into the Gulf waters, after we all can see the unbelievable job of robots cutting, capping, squeezing the mile deep pipes, the government has teamed up with, not the best oil experts,but with-get this, James Cameron, the special effects movie director to stop the disaster!
Hello, guys, please note that TITANIC was a movie, it was NOT REAL! Repeat, it was NOT REAL! Are we going to contact the STAR WARS director to consult on space travel next, or ask Steven Spielberg on how to make contact with extra terrestrial life forms?
Well, I guess speaking for the government, we probably need to say yes, they do live in a fantasy world so they believe fantasy not reality. Instead of rounding up the best advisers to close up that oil flow, the government has sent a team of lawyers to plan a strategy to sue BP rather than to help BP stop the flow. Nice, suing BP will stop the oil flow. More rules are planned, like rules are going to stop accidents.
We have plenty of rules, nobody can flush a toilet without a federal rule mandating how may times the poop in our toilet can turn and turn before it goes down the sewer! In reality that is a rule that mandates a certain volume of water to be use in our toilets, thus actually mandating the times the poop can turn in our toilet!
Film director James Cameron said BP turned down his offer to help combat the massive oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico. he actually said this without laughing, and BP replied to him without chuckling after teams of specialty engineers with 20 and 30 years of specialty experience read his offer of help ( they already have a camera down there, no thanks.).
"Over the last few weeks I've watched, as we all have, with growing horror and heartache, watching what's happening in the Gulf and thinking those morons don't know what they're doing," Cameron said at the All Things Digital technology conference. What a genius, he is thinking what I was thinking.
Cameron, the director of "Avatar" and "Titanic," has worked extensively with robot submarines ( yeah, in a pool in his studio-I saw the "making of feature") and is considered an expert ( that is a pert that was) in undersea filming. He did not say explicitly who he meant when he referred to "those morons."
His comments came a day after he participated in a meeting at the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency headquarters in Washington to "brainstorm" solutions to the oil spill, apparently meeting with morons, that he was probably referring to from the meeting he just attended.
Cameron said he has offered to help the government and BP in dealing with the spill. He said he was "graciously" turned away by the British energy giant.
The meeting probably went like this: " Hey guys this is Jim Cameron, I put a bunch of zip lock bags on some cameras in my pool for a movie, using pretend little miniatures of the Titanic, and I think that I can help by putting a zip lock bag on the oil spill, catch it all in a really big zip lock bag, and ....HELLO?, HELLO?, is there anyone there...I want to help..that's all, I just want to help with all the expertise I have....HELLO????
He said he has not spoken with the White House about his offer, and said that the outside experts who took part in the EPA meeting were now "writing it all up and putting in reports to the various agencies." This will make a great "Saturday Night Live" show skit.
The film director has helped develop deep-sea submersible equipment and other underwater ocean technology for the making of documentaries exploring the wrecks of the ocean liner Titanic and the German battleship Bismarck some two miles below the surface.
Hello Mr. Cameron, taking pictures of one thing, using sophisticated technology to fix the oil spill is another.
Cameron suggested the U.S. government needed to take a more active role in monitoring the undersea gusher, which has become the worst oil spill in U.S. history. Like what, sending the hapless-helpless Secretary of the Interior to ask questions and bother the working team?
"I know really, really, really smart people that work typically at depths much greater than what that well is at," Cameron said. yeah all the smart people like to work a mile under the water, especially those who can click a camera...them especially ( hey look at the colors on that fish!).
The BP oil spill off the U.S. Gulf Coast is located a mile below the surface.
While acknowledging that his contacts in the deep-sea industry do not drill for oil, Cameron said that they are accustomed to operating various underwater vehicles and electronic optical fiber systems, in his very large pool in the studio complex.
"Most importantly," he added, "they know the engineering that it requires to get something done at that depth."
Among the key issues that Cameron said he is interested in helping the government with are methods of monitoring the oil leak and investigating it, like taking its photo, and asking " how it's going".
"The government really needs to have its own independent ability to go down there and image the site, survey the site and do its own investigation," he said. They should send a bureaucrat in one of those deep diving suits like in the movies!
"Because if you're not monitoring it independently, you're asking the perpetrator to give you the video of the crime scene," Cameron added. With trick photography no doubt.
Expect to see TITANIC 2, a cruise ship eaten by an oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico. In the meantime, my best stock advice is to short the BP stock, it is going down...my opinion, only of course not being a stock analyst.
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