Wow, national unemployment is now only 10%...or 17.2% real unemployment! This is good news?
Contrary to the top line reporting, taking a real analysis in reading the reports, the job losses continue in the highest paying jobs like manufacturing and construction! They are growing, not falling, contrary to the fortune tellers who see some type of magical economic turnaround.
To use my company as an example, we routinely add 15-20 employees during November and through the end of December to help during the busy season...after these two months we do not need them anymore. This year, we actually hied for these $10 an hour jobs with no other benefits 10 of the people who are laid off from MANAGEMENT POSITIONS!
In the past we hired housewives, now we got people with management degrees and experience. We will be offering them an opportunity to stay on in a fully commission position if they want to continue in January.
This is why the unemployment went down in November. It will spike up in january and onwards.
In the state I am located in, it remains very high due to unions controlling many of the factories in the area, I am non-union and thus am actually still profitable.
If under the new health plan I would be forced to provide health benefits, I would not hire these workers.
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