Every morning I walk my lovable dog, and then the doggie and I turn on the TV and watch the morning financial reports while we have our breakfast. wE WERE BOTH SHOCKED TO SEE AND HER THE STORY THIS MORNING. This particular morning financial channel has formed a strange adoration of Warren Buffet and even when he says something really stupid, they fawn all over his statements.
This morning they of course carried the announcement that BURLINGTON NORTHERN agreed to be acquired by BERKSHIRE HATHAWAY, and then decided to have the "Oracle of Omaha" spit out some words of wisdom for us all to take note.
One of the hosts and guests asked if the way to stimulate the economy would be to lower the overall tax rates ( an obvious and universally recognized way to to so), but Buffet, clearly indicating either that he was clearly senile or just finally admitted to being stupid, stated that he remembered 90% tax rates, and that they did not affect his decision to make money.
Hearing this "advice" from the Oracle, we both spit out our food in shock.
Ok Warren, I can understand how when you have a net worth of $40 billion, you could care less how much of your token salary is appropriated by the government, but the rest of us can not accept a 90% tax rate as being just fine. (Warren takes a $100,000 salary for the last 27 years, by the way, so at 90% tax he would be left with $10,000 to live on, which I do not believe would be enough to support any type of lifestyle, much less pay for his medicare and drugs).
Your advice is just plain stupid ( I know that you supported the election of Mr. Obama who would agree with you that a 90% income tax is just fine) and I would hate to have you being in charge of the country. We would all be on the government dole sine your ideas would bankrupt us all!
In case you do not remember, in addition to the federal tax, we also have a state tax, county and city taxes, real estate taxes, sales taxes, telephone taxes, Social security taxes, unemployment taxes, gasoline taxes, taxes, taxes and more taxes that can be listed on this page.
Also, just a note of interest....It is true that your firm has made money and some of your decisions resulted in making money for the company. But, a monkey with a dart, throwing it at the newspaper in 1987, and buying the DJIA COMPONENTS DID BETTER THAN YOU, and did not have to hold the stock for 50 years. In addition, buying your stock in the last few years resulted in a loss of 30%-40% as well.
So how would you propose that we pay all these taxes and still buy groceries, pay the mortgage or the car payment? Oh, and how do we start a business and have any motivation to make a profit which would be taxed at 90%????
Pandering just looked so stupid to a financial channel that became famous for one of its morning commentators in supporting the tea party, anti-tax movement.
Hey Warren, it's time to retire, really.....and distribute the excess funds at Berkshire to its true owners, the stockholders so they too can enjoy their retirement without your further advice to give it all up in taxes.
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