Senate Moves To Allow Military To Intern Americans Without Trial

NDAA detention provision would turn America into a “battlefield”

Paul Joseph Watson

Arrest Americans

The Senate is set to vote on a bill today that would define the whole of the United States as a “battlefield” and allow the U.S. Military to arrest American citizens in their own back yard without charge or trial.

“The Senate is going to vote on whether Congress will give this president—and every future president — the power to order the military to pick up and imprison without charge or trial civilians anywhere in the world. The power is so broad that even U.S. citizens could be swept up by the military and the military could be used far from any battlefield, even within the United States itself,” writes Chris Anders of the ACLU Washington Legislative Office.

Under the ‘worldwide indefinite detention without charge or trial’ provision of S.1867, the National Defense Authorization Act bill, which is set to be up for a vote on the Senate floor this week, the legislation will “basically say in law for the first time that the homeland is part of the battlefield,” said Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.), who supports the bill.

The bill was drafted in secret by Senators Carl Levin (D-Mich.) and John McCain (R-Ariz.), before being passed in a closed-door committee meeting without any kind of hearing. The language appears in sections 1031 and 1032 of the NDAA bill.

“I would also point out that these provisions raise serious questions as to who we are as a society and what our Constitution seeks to protect,” Colorado Senator Mark Udall said in a speech last week. One section of these provisions, section 1031, would be interpreted as allowing the military to capture and indefinitely detain American citizens on U.S. soil. Section 1031 essentially repeals the Posse Comitatus Act of 1878 by authorizing the U.S. military to perform law enforcement functions on American soil. That alone should alarm my colleagues on both sides of the aisle, but there are other problems with these provisions that must be resolved.”

This means Americans could be declared domestic terrorists and thrown in a military brig with no recourse whatsoever. Given that the Department of Homeland Security has characterized behavior such as buying gold, owning guns, using a watch or binoculars, donating to charity, using the telephone or email to find information, using cash, and all manner of mundane behaviors as potential indicators of domestic terrorism, such a provision would be wide open to abuse.

“American citizens and people picked up on American or Canadian or British streets being sent to military prisons indefinitely without even being charged with a crime. Really? Does anyone think this is a good idea? And why now?” asks Anders.

The ACLU is urging citizens to call their Senator and demand that the Udall Amendment be added to the bill, a change that would at least act as a check to prevent Americans being snatched off the streets without some form of Congressional oversight.

We have been warning for over a decade that Americans would become the target of laws supposedly aimed at terrorists and enemy combatants. Alex Jones personally documented how U.S. troops were being trained to arrest U.S. citizens in the event of martial law during urban warfare training drills back in the 90′s. Under the the National Defense Authorization Act bill, no declaration of martial law is necessary since Americans would now be subject to the same treatment as suspected insurgents in places like Afghanistan and Iraq.

If you thought that the executive assassination of American citizens abroad was bad enough, now similar powers will be extended to the “homeland,” in other words, your town, your community, your back yard.


Paul Joseph Watson is the editor and writer for Prison He is the author of Order Out Of Chaos. Watson is also a regular fill-in host for The Alex Jones Show.



U.S. boosts estimate of auto bailout losses to $23.6B.

The Treasury Department dramatically boosted its estimate of losses from its $85 billion auto industry bailout by more than $9 billion in the face of General Motors Co.'s steep stock decline.

In its monthly report to Congress, the Treasury Department now says it expects to lose $23.6 billion, up from its previous estimate of $14.33 billion.

The Treasury now pegs the cost of the bailout of GM, Chrysler Group LLC and the auto finance companies at $79.6 billion. It no longer includes $5 billion it set aside to guarantee payments to auto suppliers in 2009.

The big increase is a reflection of the sharp decline in the value of GM's share price.

The current estimate of losses is based on GM's Sept. 30 closing price of $20.18, down one-third over the previous quarterly price.

GM's stock closed Monday at $22.99, up 2 percent. The government won't reassess the estimate of the costs until Dec. 30.

The government has recovered $23.2 billion of its $49.5 billion GM bailout, and cut its stake in the company from 61 percent to 26.5 percent. But it has been forced to put on hold the sale of its remaining 500 million shares of stock.

The new estimate also hikes the overall cost of the $700 billion Troubled Asset Relief Program costs to taxpayers. TARP is the emergency program approved by Congress in late 2008 at the height of the financial crisis.

In total, the government used $425 billion to bailout banks, insurance companies and automakers, and provided $45 billion in housing program assistance.

The government now expects to lose $57.33 billion, including the full cost of the housing program, up from $36.7 billion. The new estimate means the government doesn't believe it will make an overall profit on its bailouts.

Republican presidential candidates, including former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney, have seized on the auto bailout losses estimates, as evidence that the Bush and Obama administrations "wasted" money.

Matt Anderson, a spokesman for the Treasury Department, said, "Both TARP and the auto industry rescue are still on track to cost a fraction of what was originally expected during the dark days of the financial crisis."

In 2009, the government initially forecast it would lose $44 billion on its auto industry bailout. It revised it down to $30 billion, and later to as low as $13.9 billion earlier this year.The administration and President Barack Obama have argued that any losses on the auto bailout were worth the hundreds of thousands of jobs saved.

"The investment paid off. The hundreds of thousands of jobs that have been saved made it worth it," he said at an appearance last month at GM's Orion Assembly plant. "I want to especially thank the people of Detroit for proving that, despite all the work that lies ahead, this is a city where a great American industry is coming back to life and the industries of tomorrow are taking root, and a city where people are dreaming up ways to prove all the skeptics wrong and write the next proud chapter in the Motor City's history."

The new bailout forecast also represents an increase in the government's forecast in its losses from its $17.2 billion bailout of Detroit-based auto and mortgage lender Ally Financial Inc. The government holds a 74 percent stake in Ally, which has been forced to put its planned initial public offering on hold because of market conditions.



Obama Nominee for Social Security Board Favors Rationing Health Care

Is it just a coincidence that the people that President Obama nominates to fill high-level governmental posts tend to favor government-directed health care rationing? Last year, Obama nominated Donald Berwick to head Medicare and Medicaid. Now he’s nominated Henry J. Aaron to head the Social Security Advisory Board.
Henry J. Aaron

Berwick, to whom Obama issued a dubious recess appointment to circumvent the usual Senate confirmation, has become notorious for statements like, “The decision is not whether or not we will ration care — the decision is whether we will ration with our eyes open” — and, in progressive-speak, “The social budget is limited.”

Aaron, a recent Obama nominee, has expressed similar views. He wrote a piece earlier this year called, “The Independent Payment Advisory Board — Congress's ‘Good Deed.’” The grisly IPAB, one of the most underreported of Obamacare’s myriad of liberty-sapping features, would have the power to cut Medicare spending each year — if Obamacare isn’t repealed first. The dictates of its 15 unelected members would effectively become law. In fact, Congress couldn’t even overturn the IPAB’s decrees with a majority vote in each house and the President’s signature.

Obama has since doubled-down on the IPAB, seeking to grant it even more power to cut Medicare spending than Obamacare would grant it. To be clear, this is in addition to the nearly $1 trillion that the Congressional Budget Office says would be siphoned out of Medicare and spent on Obamacare during the overhaul’s real first decade (2014 to 2023).

Aaron praises the IPAB, although he does admit to having a few problems with it. He thinks that its largely unchecked power isn’t unchecked enough, as the board should be able to order payment reductions for other aspects of medical care that have so far escaped its statutory grant of power. He writes,

“I admit that the provisions governing the IPAB are less than optimal. For example, recommendations regarding payments to acute and long-term care hospitals, hospices and inpatient rehabilitation and psychiatric facilities are off-limits until 2020; and those to clinical laboratories are off-limits until 2016. These politically motivated restrictions should be repealed as early as possible so the IPAB’s recommendations can comprehend the delivery system as a whole.”

Aaron says that “the survival and strengthening of the IPAB is of critical importance.” In a sense, this is unsurprising, given his earlier views, which were captured in a Washington Post story published during the Reagan administration (when Aaron was in his late 40s). The Post article reads,

“If Americans are serious about curbing medical costs, they’ll have to face up to a much tougher issue than merely cutting waste, says Brookings Institution economist Henry J. Aaron.

“They’ll have to do what the British have done: ration some types of costly medical care — which means turning away patients from proven treatments.

“Cutting billions worth of ‘pure waste’ — in needless hospitalization, surplus beds, Cadillac-model machinery and superfluous tests — would only temporarily slow the growth in health spending, which now tops 10 percent a year, Aaron told a symposium sponsored by the American Academy of Physician Assistants last week in Reston.

“Eventually the ‘cornucopia of technology’ and America’s aging population will combine to drive up health costs by 6 or 7 percent a year anyway unless something else is done, he said.

“That ‘something else’ is what Aaron calls the ‘second stage’ of cost control. It’s a much more complex step, requiring choices that no one — doctor, patient or politician — likes to make.

“Aaron and Dr. William B. Schwartz, professor of medicine at Tufts University School of Medicine, recently completed a study of how these choices are made in Britain, a country which spends half as much per person as the United States on health care.

“Some medical services widely available in the United States are strictly rationed in Britain, Aaron and Schwartz report in their book, ‘The Painful Prescription.’ For example, British doctors order half as many X-rays per capita as their American counterparts, and use half as much film per X-ray. They do one-tenth as much coronary artery bypass surgery. British hospitals have one-sixth as many CAT scanners and less than one-fifth as many intensive care unit (ICU) beds....

“Half the patients with chronic kidney failure in Britain are left untreated — and die as a result….

“The key to the British system, they contend, lies not in regulation but in a different attitude toward medicine, mortality and the scarcity of resources.

“Unlike their American counterparts, who tend to believe in saving lives at all cost, British doctors define ‘what is best’ in terms of ‘what is available,’ Aaron said.

“As the director of a tiny 10-bed ICU in an 800-bed London hospital put it: ‘Yes, this would be too small in America. But if you took this unit and set it down in Sri Lanka or India, it would stick out like a sore thumb. It would be an obscene waste of money.’

“The burden of enforcing medical rationing in Britain falls mainly on doctors, who act as ‘gatekeepers’ in the system. They know funds for kidney dialysis are limited, so they simply don’t refer older patients for the life-saving treatment.

“Asked how he could turn away over-55 kidney patients from life-saving dialysis, one doctor told Aaron and Schwartz: ‘What you don’t seem to understand is that everybody over the age of 55 is a bit crumbly.’…

“It will be ‘a lot harder to move into this second stage of rationing in the U.S.,’ Aaron warned.

“The American public has not yet begun to understand what is being asked of it when it comes to limiting the growth in hospital spending.”


Looks like congressman Joe was right when he screamed, " YOU LIE ", when Obama was spewing his lies during the State of the Union speech. Every lie has now come to be the truth. This feckless, clueless Marxist who fooled the uninformed and the naive to vote for him, needs to be thrown out of office as soon as possible....let's start marching on the White House and not on Wall Street. All bad decisions start in the White House...and always did.



The moronic administration of Obama is planning to skyrocket rates and bring our industrial capacity to third world standards.

Congressional deadlock means two game-changing Environmental Protection Agency rules are poised to take effect unless a court stops them or the White House weighs in.

The rules will cost electric utilities and their ratepayers billions. But the utility industry itself is split between those that have invested to lower their air pollution ahead of federal regulation and say stricter standards can be met, and those who remain highly coal-dependent and contend the EPA is forcing changes so fast it will endanger electric reliability.

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House Republicans have made repeated attempts this year to stop EPA, but none of those efforts are even getting to a vote in the Senate. Given the budget deadlock, there's little expectation that will change before compliance schedules kick in.

The two rules are the Mercury & Air Toxics Standards (known as the Utility Maximum Achievable Control Technology, or MACT, rule) and the Cross-State Air Pollution Rule, CSAPR. Both stem from the 1990 Clean Air Act amendments.

Predecessors of both rules were issued in the George W. Bush administration and thrown out by courts. That left both rewrites to the Obama administration.

As issued in July, CSAPR ratchets down the permitted sulfur and nitrogen oxide emissions in 27 upwind states, to limit harm to air in downwind states. Some 45 plaintiffs--mainly upwind state governments and power companies--are alleging irreparable harm if the rule takes effect January 1, 2012 as scheduled. They say complying in 2012 may mean shutting facilities and risking power shortages. They want a federal court to delay the rule while its legality is litigated.
Downwind states and cities, plus some utilities and environmental groups, have joined EPA in defending the rule.

The MACT Act

The Utility MACT rule responds to a court decision that mercury emissions cannot be traded like pollutants covered by CSAPR. So the Utility MACT rule sets standards that every generating site must meet, in effect ending the "grandfathering" of old coal and oil plants enabled by pollutant trading systems.

The Utility MACT rule was due to be final November 16 but the court gave EPA a one-month extension to consider final comments. So it's now under Office of Management & Budget review, and is due out in mid-December. It would take effect in 2015, giving utilities three years to ready their facilities.

There's no debate that the MACT rules would mean shutdown of many smaller, older coal plants that can't be upgraded economically, and expensive upgrades to many other coal facilities. Shutdown predictions run somewhere between 30 and 70 gigawatts (of more than 300 coal-fired GW.) EPA estimates this rule will cost $10.9 billion annually in the next decade, for retrofits and replacements. Some utility estimates run much higher.

But the costs, like those for CSAPR, are unevenly distributed, affecting coal-dependent utilities and regions more heavily. Twenty-five states and some utilities are trying to get a federal court to delay the Utility MACT rule, so far unsuccessfully.

The North American Electric Reliability Council has raised concerns that coal plants in locations important to electric grid reliability could be forced shut. The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission is holding a technical conference November 29-30 to discuss the situation.

Inside Support For Regulation

But not everyone in the industry sees a problem. Ralph Izzo, Chairman, CEO and President of Public Service Enterprise Group (PSEG), wrote in an October 27 blog that the rules have been in process for 20 years.

"During the past five years, we have invested more than $2 billion" to replace older PSEG generating units and upgrade others.

Izzo said EPA's rules are "overdue" and will give the capital-intensive electricity industry the certainty it needs to make large new investments.

John Rowe, Chairman and CEO of Exelon, said in a November 9 statement that the continuing low price of natural gas provides an opportunity for utilities to meet new pollution rules at reasonable cost.

Setting clean air standards, and then letting utilities figure the most efficient way to meet them, is the least expensive way for government to get clean energy, Rowe contended. "Congress should not stop the EPA," he said, noting the new rules will create new jobs.

Easing The Impact

One difficulty in assessing the rules' impact is that the average coal plant dates to the 1960s, and utilities are starting to shut many anyway.

Jim Rogers, Chairman, President and CEO of Duke Energy, said October 31 that the wholesale replacements needed mean electricity prices must go up. He said rates, in real terms, have stayed flat for 50 years.

Industry experts are speculating whether the White House will step in, despite the criticism that environmentalists rained on President Obama two months ago after he delayed review of ozone standards to 2013.

Kevin Book of ClearView Energy Partners said, given the importance of MACT to environmental groups, the White House might offer some delay or modification to CSAPR as an "olive branch" to affected states important in the 2012 election.

Christine Tezak, senior energy and environment policy analyst at R.W. Baird & Co., said OMB might add "safety valve" provisions to MACT to ensure grid reliability and ease requirements for utilities to get an additional year for compliance.


obama hopes this doesn't go through til after the election


Perhaps I am misunderstanding the term "Enviro-Terrorists" as used by Jerome in an early post. I'm not sure whether he refers to those who would do anything, however violent, to protect the environment, or those who would do anything, however damaging to the environment, for profit. The usage in his post suggests that he thinks that pro-environment persons blew up the Deep Horizon.

Perhaps Jerome believes that extreme environmntalists would take the risk of destroying the evironment in order to save it. Very convoluted thinking, and very wrong. Forget the rabid environmentalists. Try extreme stupidity: The woman who was supposed to be watching the systems and sound the alarm when two or three signals went off, "became confused" when ten went off at once. She "didn't know what to do," so instead of sounding the alarm, possibly in time to save the 11 who died, did nothing.

On the other hand, Oil Companies and their associates do not care about the environment, but do care about their equipment.

Jerome, the Gulf disaster was caused by BP and its associates foregoing one safety procedure after another to save money and increase profits. Common practice, but this time it didn't work, Big Time. Why did they do it? Easy: They'd done it so many times before, they didn't think they'd get caught. I guess they didn't consider the consequences of hiring really, really stupid people to watch over that equipment.

Perhaps we should consider the fact that, despite the cost of the loss of the rig, BP was able to pony up 20 BILLION dollars to partially offset the losses by ordinary people working in in the area. The ecological damage to the Gulf and to the already fragile Louisiana coastline, is beyond calculation by ordiinary means, and will take decades to determine. We may rest assured that, however many billions of dollars BP forks over in compensation, it will not change their basic operating credo: Profits over everything else. They'll even spend millions in PR to show how they are helping the environment.

I won't go into the incestuous relationship between the oil companies and the local regulators; the term speaks for itself and is quite appropriate.

I don't think that profit, per se, is a bad thing. But there has to be a balance between profit and environmental protection. That's called regulation. Considering the really bad history of these international mega companies, strict regulation coupled with massive fines and penalties -- large enough to really hurt the company bottom line -- are necessary, regardless of what pro-business persons think.


I live by Niagara Hydro Electric Power.It sounds like you need a wind farm put up.It would cut your bill down to 1/3 of what you pay now.Wind power is for you.Get to gether and have it done.

steve thompson

Here in Indiana our coal fired electric plant has already issued a statement saying they would shut down the plant rather than spend the money to upgrade to meet the specifications in these laws. Leaving us face to face with whats going to be an ENORMOUS hike in prices as we import electricity. hEY GUVMINT MAN, YOU'VE MADE NO FRIENDS HERE!


First of all, why does a group of unelected bureaucrats make laws, that is congress's job? secondly thanks to all the liberal retards that support and vote for obama and his anti-american agenda.




In CT we already pay the highest cost of electricity now. If this passes it will cost far more than we pay for our mortgage! This is complete insanity in this economy and is unsustainable. If What do people do if its a choice been keeping warm or foreclosure! Washington is broken for sure!


There has been global warming and cooling long before there were people, so there is nothing we can do to "Save the Planet". Those people are hysterics or have political motives. It is economically unfeasible to retrofit some old plants. New plants should meet somewhat cleaner standards, but not ever-increasingly cleaner standards, particularly if they raise the cost of living, the cost of electricity for all. The environmentalists actually seem to hate people for existing. They think our CO2 is causing GW and would stop it entirely. OK, you exhale CO2, so when will they have a breathing tax and cause you to cease breathing if you can't pay the tax. Fire produces CO2, so ban or tax fire, and those who can't pay will freeze to death. Alternative power requires metal, but mining and the use of fire to get metal is evil to an extreme environmentalist. Alternative energy sources are all more expensive and less reliable than coal, natural gas, hydro and nuclear. They think if energy prices rise, it will force everyone to use less energy and harm the planet less. They don't care about standard of living and general survival, because environmentalism is their religion. Normal people want a reasonably clean environment, that doesn't lower their standard of living or raise their cost of living. There has to be a balance between everything, which the environmentalists do not allow for.

1 reply to beesidemeusa's comment

George Carlin, rest his soul, had a comedy routine about "saving the Earth". His take: the Earth would be just fine, it was Humans that needed saving. LOL.


The real problem is that the EPA doesn't know when we are reaching diminishing returns. They cleaned up the air when the agency was in its infancy so they are heroes. But now we have a giant bureaucracy that has to justify its existence by finding ways to remove every last little bit of pollution from every industry. That has driven most manufacturing plants overseas, where people are glad to get the work despite much worse pollution than we have here. Unfortunately power can't really be imported except from Canada and Mexico. So if EPA has its way, we will pay more and more earn less and less to support their draconian measures, with a small if any benefit.


Might as well throw the VAT tax in there at the same time. But yes, let's subsidize Jon Bon Jovi and the big farmer consortiums, send our jobs overseas and buy oil from people who hate us while they charge the average man more and more. Just stick in and break it off all at one time and get it over with. This is like someone pulling a bandaid off of a scab slowly.


Cost, need questioned in $433-million smallpox drug deal
A company controlled by a longtime political donor gets a no-bid contract to supply an experimental remedy for a threat that may not exist.

The U.S. searched Iraq for weapons of mass destruction, including smallpox, after the 2003 invasion. None were found. But fears that other rogue states might hold smallpox are part of the reason the U.S. entered into a $433-million contract for an
experimental drug. (Carolyn Cole, Los Angeles Times / November 13, 2011)

By David Willman

Over the last year, the Obama administration has aggressively pushed a $433-million plan to buy an experimental smallpox drug, despite uncertainty over whether it is needed or will work.

Senior officials have taken unusual steps to secure the contract for New York-based Siga Technologies Inc., whose controlling shareholder is billionaire Ronald O. Perelman, one of the world's richest men and a longtime Democratic Party donor.

When Siga complained that contracting specialists at the Department of Health and Human Services were resisting the company's financial demands, senior officials replaced the government's lead negotiator for the deal, interviews and documents show.

When Siga was in danger of losing its grip on the contract a year ago, the officials blocked other firms from competing.

Siga was awarded the final contract in May through a "sole-source" procurement in which it was the only company asked to submit a proposal. The contract calls for Siga to deliver 1.7 million doses of the drug for the nation's biodefense stockpile. The price of approximately $255 per dose is well above what the government's specialists had earlier said was reasonable, according to internal documents and interviews.

Once feared for its grotesque pustules and 30% death rate, smallpox was eradicated worldwide as of 1978 and is known to exist only in the locked freezers of a Russian scientific institute and the U.S. government. There is no credible evidence that any other country or a terrorist group possesses smallpox.

If there were an attack, the government could draw on $1 billion worth of smallpox vaccine it already owns to inoculate the entire U.S. population and quickly treat people exposed to the virus. The vaccine, which costs the government $3 per dose, can reliably prevent death when given within four days of exposure.

Siga's drug, an antiviral pill called ST-246, would be used to treat people who were diagnosed with smallpox too late for the vaccine to help. Yet the new drug cannot be tested for effectiveness in people because of ethical constraints — and no one knows whether animal testing could prove it would work in humans.

The government's pursuit of Siga's product raises the question: Should the U.S. buy an unproven drug for such a nebulous threat?

"We've got a vaccine that I hope we never have to use — how much more do we need?" said Dr. Donald A. "D.A." Henderson, the epidemiologist who led the global eradication of smallpox for the World Health Organization and later helped organize U.S. biodefense efforts under President George W. Bush. "The bottom line is, we've got a limited amount of money."

Dr. Thomas M. Mack, an epidemiologist at USC's Keck School of Medicine, battled smallpox outbreaks in Pakistan and has advised the Food and Drug Administration on the virus. He called the plan to stockpile Siga's drug "a waste of time and a waste of money."

The Obama administration official who has overseen the buying of Siga's drug says she is trying to strengthen the nation's preparedness. Dr. Nicole Lurie, a presidential appointee who heads biodefense planning at Health and Human Services, cited a 2004 finding by the Bush administration that there was a "material threat" smallpox could be used as a biological weapon.

Smallpox is one of 12 pathogens for which such determinations have been made.

"I don't put probabilities around anything in terms of imminent or not," said Lurie, a physician whose experience in public health includes government service and work with the Rand Corp. "Because what I can tell you is, in the two-plus years I've been in this job, it's the unexpected that always happens."

Negotiations over the price of the drug and Siga's profit margin were contentious. In an internal memo in March, Dr. Richard J. Hatchett, chief medical officer for HHS' biodefense preparedness unit, said Siga's projected profit at that point was 180%, which he called "outrageous."

In an email earlier the same day, a department colleague told Hatchett that no government contracting officer "would sign a 3 digit profit percentage."

In April, after Siga's chief executive, Dr. Eric A. Rose, complained in writing about the department's "approach to profit," Lurie assured him that the "most senior procurement official" would be taking over the negotiations.

"I trust this will be satisfactory to you," Lurie wrote Rose in a letter.

In an interview, Lurie said the contract was awarded strictly on merit. She said she had discussed buying a smallpox antiviral for the nation's emergency stockpile with White House officials and with HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius, but that the conversations focused on policy, not the manufacturer.

"We discussed the need for the product, and a need for a product to be stockpiled," Lurie said. "And we discussed an impending procurement."

Lurie denied that she had spoken with or written to Rose regarding the contract, saying such contact would have been inappropriate.

But in a subsequent statement, an HHS spokeswoman acknowledged Lurie's letter to Rose, saying it "reflects the critical importance of the potential procurement to national security."

Representatives of Siga, speaking on the condition they not be identified, said the new drug has been effective in animal testing and that the company is being paid a price commensurate with its value.

Neither the HHS spokeswoman nor the Siga representatives would disclose the agreed-upon profit margin or the per-treatment price. Siga has cited terms of the contract in its public financial statements — but without those financial details.

Worst-case scenarios

Worrying about worst-case scenarios is what biodefense planners do. In the case of smallpox, millions of Americans have no immunity because the vaccination of civilians ended in 1972. And there is no way to guarantee that a rogue regime such as North Korea is not holding smallpox.

Nonetheless, no such threat has been verified. The Bush administration suspected Saddam Hussein of possessing smallpox and other biological weapons, but inspectors did not find any after the U.S. invaded Iraq in 2003.

Still, pressure to move quickly and spend more has helped shape U.S. biodefense policy since the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks and the anthrax mailings that fall.

Investors such as Perelman saw opportunity. In 2003, Perelman, through his holding company MacAndrews & Forbes Holdings Inc., invested heavily in Siga and installed a team of executives to run it.

The move seemed prescient when Bush, in June 2004, signed Project BioShield, a 10-year, $5.6-billion initiative to fund the development and stockpiling of medications to counter bioterrorism.

Two months later, Siga purchased the rights to what became known as ST-246 from a Pennsylvania company, ViroPharma Inc., for $1 million in cash and 1 million shares of Siga's common stock. Over the next three years, the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases awarded Siga two research grants and a related contract, worth a total of $23.5 million, to develop the new drug.

From the outset, there was only one potential customer: the U.S. government.

For Siga, the stakes were high. ST-246 was its most promising experimental compound.

From 2005 through September, the company has paid three lobbying firms $800,000 to represent its interests in Washington, public records show. Disclosures filed by the lobbyists said they focused on Project BioShield and "issues related to homeland security and HHS," along with "government procurement of vaccines."

Siga representatives told The Times that the company had lobbied only "generally" for biodefense spending, adding: "Neither Siga nor anyone else on Siga's behalf ever lobbied anyone to get this contract."

Perelman and others at Siga's affiliate, MacAndrews & Forbes, have long been major political donors. They gave a total of $607,550 to federal campaigns for the 2008 and 2010 elections, according to records compiled by the Center for Responsive Politics. About 65% of that money went to Democrats. Perelman donated an additional $50,000 to President Obama's inauguration.

A spokeswoman for Perelman said his contributions reflected nothing more than "his right as a citizen to support candidates he believes in."

From December 2007 to January of this year, Rose, Siga's chief executive, served on the U.S. National Biodefense Science Board, which has advised Lurie on how to respond to biological terrorism and other potential health emergencies. (Rose was appointed during the Bush administration.)

In June 2010, Siga further heightened its presence in Washington by naming to its board Andrew Stern, former head of the Service Employees International Union and a frequent visitor to the Obama White House. The union is a wellspring of campaign money and volunteers for Democratic candidates.

On Oct. 13, 2010, Siga announced that the government intended to award it a contract for ST-246 worth as much as $2.8 billion. Within days, Siga's stock price soared. In its year-end financial statement, the company said:

"Our ability to generate near-term revenue is particularly dependent on the success of our smallpox antiviral drug candidate."

But the federal contract required that the winning bidder be a small business, with no more than 500 employees. Chimerix Inc., a North Carolina company that had competed for the contract, protested, saying Siga was too big.

Officials at the Small Business Administration investigated and quickly agreed, finding that Siga's affiliation with MacAndrews & Forbes disqualified it.

The Obama administration could have awarded the contract to Chimerix as the only eligible small-business applicant. Or it could have reopened the competition to companies of any size.

Instead, the administration moved to block all companies — except Siga — from bidding on a second offering of the contract.

In early December, officials completed a required "justification for other than full and open competition," which said an antiviral against smallpox was needed within five years and Siga was the only company able to meet that timetable.

The rationale was questioned by some in HHS, including contracting officer Brian K. Goodger, who in an internal email called it "a stretch."

On Feb. 18, HHS terminated the original contract and requested a proposal from Siga.

Siga and government officials soon began tangling over the price the company would be paid. Because the contract was no longer to be awarded based on competition and because the only customer was the government, officials sought to assess whether the company's proposed price was "fair and reasonable," as required by federal law.

In so doing, officials looked at how much government money had already gone into developing ST-246. Public records show $115 million in federal support, not including the stockpile contract.

After reviewing Siga's costs and the prices of other drugs produced in low volumes compared with commercial products, the HHS negotiators wanted to pay about $170 for each treatment. The company argued for more based on ST-246's potential value to the nation.

"Siga did not derive its price based on any cost information, and, from Siga's viewpoint, such information is not relevant to determination of an appropriate price," the company's chief financial officer, Daniel J. Luckshire, wrote to Lurie's office and others on March 4.

"Siga has created extremely valuable intellectual property, embodied in ST-246, and Siga has priced ST-246 based on the value of that intellectual property," Luckshire added.

After the two sides had conferred and again aired their differences, a senior HHS official, Michael A. Balady, told a colleague in an email April 4 that the negotiations "went extremely badly.… They are intransigent on price."

On April 6, Rose emailed the government's chief negotiator, D. Andre Early, saying the two sides were "at impasse." Rose said "any further negotiation should occur with a more senior official [with] the authority to take into account the important policy issues that surround this procurement."

Two days later, Lurie wrote her conciliatory letter to Rose, pledging to install a new lead negotiator. Her top subordinate, Balady, followed through by naming Goodger to replace Early, who continued to work on the contract but not as lead negotiator.

A financial analyst for RBC Capital Markets reported to investors in May that the agreed-upon price per dose appeared to be $255. He arrived at that estimate by dividing the $433-million contract by the 1.7 million doses to be delivered. Siga told The Times that this would give a rough approximation of the per-treatment price.

On May 13, HHS announced what amounted to the second awarding of the contract, worth between $433 million and $2.8 billion, depending on whether the government exercised options to buy more of the drug in future years. Siga hailed it as a "historic event for the biodefense industry."

FDA skepticism

Throughout the negotiations over price and profit, a separate issue loomed: uncertainty over whether the Food and Drug Administration would approve ST-246 for use in humans.

For more than a year, the enthusiasm of HHS officials for stockpiling the drug has stood in contrast to the skepticism of the FDA. The agency's stance is important because the contract requires Siga to develop its drug "for ultimate approval by the FDA."

In a June 2010 email, Gary Disbrow, a virologist in HHS' biomedical unit, shared with colleagues his assessment of where the FDA stood on the smallpox drugs being developed by Siga and Chimerix, the North Carolina company: "My interpretation of their current position is that there is NO foreseeable path to licensure."

The problem was the inherent limits of animal testing in determining whether the drugs would be safe and effective in fighting smallpox in humans. Researchers are prohibited from infecting humans with the virus.

In May of this year, Robert G. Kosko Jr., a manager in the FDA's antiviral-products division, wrote that there was "no clear regulatory path" for approving antiviral drugs for smallpox — again because of the uncertainty surrounding proof of effectiveness.

The FDA has scheduled a public meeting in December to discuss Siga's and Chimerix's drugs. Siga's contract requires it to conduct additional studies to seek the agency's approval.

Lurie said she hoped the FDA would ultimately approve ST-246. "We would not have gone ahead with a procurement unless we thought there was a pathway," she said.

Short shelf life

Unlike the smallpox vaccine, which remains potent for decades, Siga's drug is guaranteed for only 38 months.

The administration had intended to award Siga the exclusive option to replenish or expand the stockpile, but officials relented after Chimerix formally protested. In June, the government settled the dispute by dropping the exclusivity provision. That limited the value of Siga's contract to $433 million and meant that other companies could compete to fill future orders for the drug.

"Though unhappy about it, Eric [Rose of Siga] would rather remove the options than take the chance of possibly losing the protest and thus the entire contract," Goodger wrote to his superiors on June 11.

HHS officials, however, were concerned about how Siga might react. Goodger reassured his higher-ups that despite its disappointment, the company would not seek "any negative publicity."



Obama will be NOBAMA with great margins if what happened in Virginia elections in 2011 proves out nationally.

Finally the electorate in Virginia, which is stacked with so called "white collar independents" showed Obama, and his Democrats the door.

Of all the noise of this week's state election results, what mattered most for Election 2012 came out of Virginia. It was the sound of the air leaking out of the Plouffe plan.

That would be David Plouffe, President Obama's former campaign manager and current senior strategist, who is focused today on how to cobble together 270 electoral votes for re-election. That's proving tough, what with the economy hurting Mr. Obama in states like Ohio, Indiana and Pennsylvania that he won in 2008. The White House's response has been to pin its hopes on a more roundabout path to electoral victory, one based on the Southern and Western states Mr. Obama also claimed in 2008.

States like Virginia. Mr. Obama was the first Democrat to win Virginia since 1964; he beat John McCain by seven percentage points; and he did so on the strength of his appeal to Northern Virginia's many white-collar independents. Along with victories in North Carolina, Colorado and Nevada, the Obama Old Dominion win in 2008 inspired a flurry of stories about how Democrats had forever altered the political map.

So the White House is pouring resources into what Tim Kaine, the state's former Democratic governor, now pridefully refers to as Democrats' "New Dominion." The Obama campaign has held some 1,600 events in the state in the last half-year alone. Only last month Mr. Obama hopped a three-day bus trip through Virginia and North Carolina. Obama officials keep flocking to the state, and Tuesday's election was to offer the first indication of how these efforts are succeeding.

Let's just say the New Dominion is looking an awful lot like the Old Dominion. If anything, more so.

Democrats were trounced in Tuesday's state legislature election, despite the president's heavy investment of time in the state.

Virginia Republicans added seven new seats to their majority in the House of Delegates, giving them two-thirds of that chamber's votes—the party's largest margin in history. The GOP also took over the Virginia Senate in results that were especially notable, given that Virginia Democrats this spring crafted an aggressive redistricting plan that had only one aim: providing a firewall against a Republican takeover of that chamber. Even that extreme gerrymander didn't work.

Every Republican incumbent—52 in the House, 15 in the Senate—won. The state GOP is looking at unified control over government for only the second time since the Civil War. This is after winning all three top statewide offices—including the election of Gov. Bob McDonnell—in 2009, and picking off three U.S. House Democrats in last year's midterms.

Topline figures aside, what ought to really concern the White House was the nature of the campaign, and the breakout of Tuesday's election data. Mr. Obama may have big plans for Virginia, but the question is increasingly: him and what army?

Elected state Democrats—who form the backbone of grass-roots movements—couldn't distance themselves far enough from Mr. Obama in this race. Most refused to mention the president, to defend his policies, or to appear with him. The more Republicans sought to nationalize the Virginia campaign, the more Democrats stressed local issues.

State House Minority Leader Ward Armstrong felt compelled to run an ad protesting that it was a "stretch" for his GOP opponent to "compare me to Barack Obama." After all, he was "pro-life, pro-gun and I always put Virginia first." (Mr. Armstrong lost on Tuesday.)

Virginia Democrats were happy to identify with one top official: Republican Gov. Bob McDonnell, who is providing a lesson in the benefits of smart GOP governance in battleground states. Criticized as being too socially conservative for Virginia when he was elected in 2009, Mr. McDonnell has won over voters by focusing on the economy and jobs. His approval ratings are in the 60s, and he helped raise some $5 million for local candidates. He's popular enough that Democrats took to including pictures of him in their campaign literature, and bragging that they'd worked with him.

Mr. McDonnell has been particularly adept at connecting with the independent, white-collar voters Mr. Obama used to win Virginia in 2008. That crowd lives in North Virginia's booming exurb counties of Prince William and Loudoun, and presidential races hinge on their votes. Mr. Obama's 2008 victory in Virginia rested on his significant wins in both Loudoun (8%) and Prince Williams (16%).

Yet Tuesday's results showed the extent to which that support has reversed. Loudoun in particular proved an unmitigated rout for Democrats. Republicans won or held three of four of the county's Senate seats. It swept all seven of the county's House seats. It won all nine slots on the county's Board of Supervisors, and pretty much every other county office. In Prince William, the story was much the same. This is what happens when a recent Quinnipiac poll shows Mr. Obama's approval rating among Virginia independents at 29%.

Democrats are now arguing that turnout (about 30%) was too low to prove anything, but then again, the particularly low Democratic turnout suggests that, on top of everything else, the White House really does face an enthusiasm gap.

How can anyone with a brain be enthusiastic about a Marxist moron destroying the American Dream for everyone.



With all of Obama's lies, stimulus to DNC corruption, propaganda, distractions, dirty tricks, alinsky tactics and smear campaigns he can't hide his record of FAILURE from the American people:

“Mr. Obama has enacted myriad policies at great expense to American taxpayers and amid political rancor.”…
“The economic records set on Mr. Obama's watch really are historic. These include the first downgrade of sovereign U.S. debt in American history, and, relative to GDP, the highest federal spending in U.S. history save the peak years of World War II, plus the highest federal debt since just after World War II.
The employment picture doesn't look any better. The fraction of the population working is the lowest since 1983. Long-term unemployment is by far the highest since the Great Depression. Job growth during the first two years of recovery after a severe recession is the slowest in postwar history.
Moreover, the home-ownership rate is the lowest since 1965 and foreclosures are at a post-Depression high. And perhaps most ominously, the share of Americans paying income taxes is the lowest in the modern era, while dependency on government is the highest in U.S. history.
That's quite a record, although not what Mr. Obama and his supporters had in mind when they pronounced this presidency historic” Michael J. Boskin.

Vee Kay wrote:

I would suggest the Democrats continue to link themselves to the fleabag OWS demonstrations!! Who needs business when we are about to re-enter a recession, or rather step two of the Obama Depression....

Jim Souders replied:

A couple more have died in the OW camps. One in California was a murder. I am soooo glad O' Blamer and his democRats have indicated their support of this human garbage.

Tim Cogswell wrote:

Obama was a mistake from the start and honest Democrats will admit it.

Carl Palminteri replied:

'Honest" and "Democrat" in the same sentence?
How does that happen?

Jim Souders wrote:

Please, Lord, let this be a preview of the presidential election!
Steven Ahle wrote:

Gee, and this despite the fact that Debbie Wassername Schultz has said the Obama regime "owns the recovery", Reid saying that private sector workers are doing good and Nancy Pelosi saying without the stimulus we would have 15 million unemployed. No one believed them? Dang, what a shock.

Carl Palminteri wrote:

Hmmm....Nationalizing local races and forcing the Dems to either embrace or reject Obama.
Sounds eerily familiar to the recipe Bob Turner used in the NY 9th CD to capture that seat after Weiner resigned in disgrace.

Joseph Rosenberger wrote:

While my sense of the electorate is anecdotal, I'm hearing "I can't wait to vote" droplets splash onto and around political conversations and comments blogs. This meme reminds me of a welcome summer rain storm after a dusty August dog day’s drought.

Virginia had their cloud burst of fresh, smart voter rain and the rest of us want some too.

I can't wait to vote next year. Anybody but Obama.

1. Energy supply from only friendly suppliers who will not spend their profits against us.
2. Flat tax alternatives (like Hong Kong)
3. School vouchers
4. Medicare/Medicaid vouchers; no direct payments to health care providers.
5. Move all benevolent social services and safety net spending out of the general fund and into a national charitable trust; no t-bill "IOU's", everything means tested. End the Ponzi scheme; pay as we go.
6. End all federal guarantees of private loans for education and home ownership except for veterans; these are personal responsibilities.
7. Sell all non-monument / defense related federal lands to US citizens only.
8. Redeploy the troops from A-stan to the US-Mexican border and stop the flow of foreign citizen trespassing and drugs.

Just basic common-sense stuff.

michael lodge wrote:

To anyone capable of logical analysis, (this excludes liberals) Obama is the worst President in US history and a walking tragedy. His list of catastrophic failures grows weekly and now the Dems only strategy is to pretend they never heard of Obama.
Virginians are among the most polished, educated and sophisticated citizens in the U.S. Like all of us - they have been presented with a President, who the major media has proclaimed to be the most brilliant and cerebral mind to occupy that office in decades, perhaps centuries. They have watched him demonstrate his own particular brand of leadership and style. They also listened as he told the world media that he couldn't communicate with leaders in Vienna because he "didn't speak Austrian." They have now had a chance to vote; the rest of us are waiting our turn.

frankn Liwop replied:

but he has been to all 57 states.......twice


Senate Democrat, newly elected moron, seeks federal funding for diapers.

Sen. Richard Blumenthal (D-Conn.), creepy guy if you remember his problems, even looks like the other pervert, Spitzer, introduced legislation that would allow federal block grants that states now use to subsidize child-care services to also allow for the purchase of diapers and "diapering supplies."

The bill, S. 1778, would amend the Child Care and Development Block Grant Act of 1990 to allow diapers and related supplies to be bought with grant money provided to states. Under current law, the money is meant to subsidize child-care services to parents who are entering the labor force or are in job training and education programs. It also helps subsidize child-care services for certain eligible families.

Under the law, 4 percent of all funds must be used to improve the quality of child-care. A summary of Blumenthal's bill indicates that it would allow the purchase of diapers under this provision, as it would "include the provision of diapers and diapering supplies among the activities for which funds may be employed to improve the quality of and access to child care."

The federal program, called the Child Care and Development Fund, received $5 billion in fiscal 2011, which it distributed to all 50 states, the District of Columbia and scores of tribal governments. The program now helps to provide for an estimated 1.8 million children each month.

The program also received an extra $2 billion under the 2009 stimulus bill.


“Politicians are like diapers; they need to be changed often and for the same reason.”

― Mark TwainBY SoquelCreek

So Democrats want to add diapers to the list of things Americans are entitled to? What has happened to this once great nation?BY Marie

Gee, when I had kids in daycare, I had to provide diapers for my kids. BY jb80538

Senators using our money for SHlT.
Go figure.BY Mark


This one even those with limited intelligence should be able to understand…if you have no money…don't have kids. If you have no education…don't have kids. If you can name all the Kardashians…don't have kids. The rest of us, who pay the taxes, are sick of taking care of you and your spawns.BY Jenny

How did we survive 220 years before?
Sick. BY JWH

DemocRATS need stimulus for diapers because they spend so much of their energy sticking up our rears.BY Paolo

Why not buy cigs, beer, wine, sox, underwear, halloween masks, etc for everyone——WHEN/WHERE DOES THIS STUFF STOP. Do you not realize, the govt is luring you in ever closer to the ultimate "NANNY STATE". BY olde pablo

Thank goodness for the 2010 election. Nonsense like this is DOA in the House.BY Curmudgeon10

Really? Really? Couldn't find a better use for 7 Billion dollars then diapers? How about using that money to help homeowners that are underwater that are NOT backed by Freddie and Fanny who got their loans with REAL proof of income that are innocent sufferers in this economy that is no longer GWB's…BY chris

Ever hear of cloth diapers?…re-use, recycle, reclaim…duh!BY jack

Connecticut gave us the USS Nautilus, the first nuclear submarine. And now Senator Blumenthal. Thank you nutmeggers. Was the pro wrestling lady really worse than this guy?BY JR

Why not have the government provide EVERYTHING for us? We wouldn't even have to get out bed! The politicians would be able to do anything they please. I am going to be watching this vote very carefully. There may not be a happy ending for the dolts that vote for this.BY mrsharfer

"No Child Wet Behind"BY KenL

Why on earth are we the taxpayers paying for anyone else's child, little alone their diapers? If you can't afford kids… don't have them. BY RCM

I have four kids.
Not once did I ever look at my neighbor and figure, "You should be paying for my kids' diapers."BY Heat Seeker

Just another money laundering scheme for the Democrats, that leads to funding their campaigns. Yep. We, the American Taxpayer are funding the campaigns of the Democrats through our hard earned tax dollars. Illegal? You bet…so… who's going to be the first to investigate this?BY Donna

Seriously, I can't take this anymore. Their food, their housing, their medical expenses, their education, their job retraining, their Katrina cash cards and now their diapers. BTW, before anyone makes racist accusations toward me; "their" = LAZY AMERICANS of ALL races. ALL.BY ToledoJoe

Better stock up now, if diapers are subsidized, they will soon be costing $10 a piece.BY WetDiaper

So the US government is going to subsidize diapers only for child care parents, stay at home moms need not apply. BY Jake

Where does the Constitution give the authority to buy diapers!!!BY Ron

If these liberal loons had to spend their own money, they wouldn't propose stupid legislation like this.

THE PROBLEM is that they are spending other people's money and there is no motivation whatsoever for them to curb their out of control spending.

They are BUYING VOTES with the tax dollars confiscated from a rapidly diminishing work force.BY RealityBites

How come the taxpayers get to pay for the pre-natal, post natal, food, healthcare and now diapers for the little darlings but don't get the fun in making them?BY Bubba

This is the lying IDIOT that CT put into office.BY MTB

If this doesn't say "Nanny" state, I don't know what does!BY Sam

Next, the Dems will have us turn our children over at birth to suckle on the Govt. teat!!! This is what welfare breeds, GIMMEE, GIMMEE, GIMMEE!!!!!BY NOTAKOOLAIDDRINKER

The Nanny State grows larger by the minute.BY Mike D

So we really have become a nanny state. This is just ludicrous.BY maggier

All those welfare babies should be given a foreclosed house, college education funds, and the parent (if any) should be given $100,000 per year to live on.
It's not their fault they are stupid.BY bruce_almty

can't feed em
don't breed em !BY Billy DickWiggler

Democrats want cradle to grave dependency; he's just getting an early start.BY Kent


Look a 100 weeks of unemployment pay…a billion + dollars in solar fantasy companies down the drain, billions and billions in obama's iraq, afganistan, uganda, libya, obamacare, etc, etc, whats the matter with a few diapers?BY steve mcfadden

Unbeliveable!!! ! Are we going to support everything. If you can't afford children you should NOT have them period!!! In case Washington didn't notice we are BROKE..quite ALL subsidies and spending everyone else's damn money!!!BY Steve A LegalCitizen

Our founders would be proud!BY LIBERTY NOW

Fer crying out loud…birth control.. …baby food…day care…diapers…what is this? "Adopt a kid" program by the federal government?
Comonnnnnn…when do you expect people to pay for their own kids?BY No one important

More money going to Acorn thugs.BY Mike

We can call it "The Diapers for Anchor Babies Act of 2011".

There was a time when people could support their own breed. And disposable diapers are expensive because they are luxuries. If you can't afford disposable diapers then buy a wash tub and some soap, and move to cloth diapers.BY JoeTheFilmmaker

Every cent they spend is BORROWED MONEY! Stop coming up with new ways to blow money! Better yet, stop trying to buy votes with other peoples money. We can't take it anymore. God help all of you next November. Time to update ur resumes. BY FedUp

The nanny state is already destroying us. More and more people receive handouts from the government and think that is the primary role of the state. The ones who don't currently get the handouts are figuring out ways to cash in on the 'free money'. We have a dependent class that is growing and generational. Try and push independence and self reliant with these slugs and see where it gets you. 47% of the people pay NO federal income taxes. The Chinese will simply buy us as we disarm so we can increase the number who receive entitlement checks. BY Perplexed

I guess liquor stores will now be selling diapers.BY Joe
Good.. gives me more money for my cell phone plan , booze and hair care products.. BY gram


Carrying Water for Obama, Hilda Solis Picks a Fight with the Tea Party
By: Kevin Derby

With the team behind President Barack Obama targeting the Sunshine State in their bid for a second term in 2012, the White House sent U.S. Labor Secretary Hilda Solis to speak to the Florida Democratic Convention on Saturday.


A day after Vice President Joe Biden told the convention at Walt Disney World that Obama needed to carry Florida to win in 2012, Solis attempted to rally Democrats for the elections and urged them to push for the Obama jobs plan which, with Republicans controlling the U.S. House, has no chance of passing Congress.

Speaking at a luncheon event on Saturday, Solis carried water for Obama, bashing Republicans and praising the administration’s economic policies.

Solis offered harsh words about conservatives. Looking at 2012, Solis slammed the tea party movement, calling them “teabaggers” and promising the Obama administration will take them on.

What has not be criticized or even mentioned is that "teabggers", is a homosexual slur term...look it up, and the Democrats including the moron President, Vice president and other in the administration, have been freely using it!

Combating the noise of a crowd often more concerned with holding their own conversations and eating their lunches than listening to her speech, Solis attempted to defend the Obama economic policies, praising the federal stimulus that the White House backed and the president’s job plan.

Solis claimed that the Obama job plan was backed by 65 percent of the American people and would “put 2 million people, especially construction workers, back to work.”

Besides attempting to sell the Obama jobs plan, Solis took aim at the Republicans. She attacked Republican Gov. Rick Scott’s labor policies, arguing that he is looking to take away collective bargaining and other rights from public-sector employees.

Solis accused Republicans in Florida and other states, including Ohio and Wisconsin, of “picking on” teachers, police officers and other government workers.

Blaming globalization and market changes for the decline of organized labor in the private sector, Solis conceded that government workers retained strong unions. “We’ve seen the movement in the labor house diminish in the private sector,” said Solis.

Solis urged the crowd to back Obama and his jobs plan.“You need to understand that this president is fighting for you,” she insisted. Make that fighting against you, dummy, Ms. Solis!

When Obama took the oath of office in January 2009, the national unemployment rate stood at 7.6 percent. In September 2011, the national unemployment rate was 9.1 percent. Or, in the alternative about 20% when you add the real people not working including those that gave up looking.

The unemployment rate is not calculated using real numbers, it is an estimate and also uses random phone accurate is that?

Also based on the fact that this is the most incompetent administration ever, and has lied about everything, can we trust them with such an important statistic?


Good Lord. You don't normally expect this kind of base rhetoric from the Cabinet. But, Obama and Biden have eliminated decorum from the Executive Branch.

It's like we have a mob mentality running the country.

Don't you folks have a bunch of hungry alligators there?
May as well feed her to them. Wait...that would be animal cruelty.

What has she got against homosexuals? All these lefty's keep referring to these sexual preferences and it shows just how homophobic they are.

I don't understand why people in opposition call the Tea Party folks "tea baggers." If the opposition is a tea bagger then you must be a tea bagee. I have to say I would much rather be a tea bagger than a tea bagee...

I hope statements like these keep on coming. It will only solidify my fellow right wing racist bigoted tea party s.o.b.’s even more. Nov 2012 is right around the corner. it will make Nov 2010 look like a walk in the park.

The TEA party is ready, willing an anxious to save our country from these despicable arrogant selfish greedy classless people who think they know how to run our lives better then we do.

Tony Consalvo
If bullshit was poetry, Solis would be the next Longfellow. Now she is just an incompetent and racist fool.

So the Labor Secretary emphasizes that among the 2 million that stimuslush will put back to work are "especially construction workers"--duh, Ms. Labor Secretary, are they really anywhere near the most unemployed of workers in this country?

No, since she goes on to further to emphasize the "decline of organized labor in the private sector" because all she and this corrupt administration have their eyes on is the cold cash they need to fill their campaign coffers with from UNIONS. She's just one more of Ogreedy's slacker/flunky campaigners paid for courtesy of the American taxpayer.

Pink Floyd Fan
Funny how the left can get away with insulting names for righties. But just let one righty call a lefty a libtard the poopy would hit the fan.

You guys just don't get it, fear tactics and insults don't work. Sixty five percent of the American people don't approve of the Obama Plan. We don't want the Government involved in our business, we don't want you regulating of us out of business so you can stick your nose in ours. You're going down and big in '12 and all the Czars and this administration better get their resumes together to compete with the real America we all believe in. D.C.'s going to be in your rear view mirror shortly. Good riddance Scumbaggers.

A desperate plea from a desperate administration. The failure of an economy directed by government is everywhere, on Earth evident. The Tea Party solution is the Federal Government must operate within the confines of the Constitution is the correct path. "For satisfactory results, use (the Constitution) as directed (by the Constitution)."

You can call them teabaggers all you want because they all call Obama a one term president. Who is right remains to be seen.

Where is the media? Lost again? Calling me a TEABAGGER - is OFFENSIVE. To me it is the equivalent of the "N" word to a blackman.
What a double standard the Dems live by.

Mitch MO FKIN Van Damme
I LOVE it when they use the term "teabagger", Teabagging is an activity, and it is NOT homosexual in nature at all, Females can be teabagged. The action of teabagging involves two people, A "teabagger" and a "teabagee" , if we are the "teabaggers", that means we are placing our jewels into the mouth of the "teabagee", meaning the liberals, are the "teabagees", So...with that said, Open wide for 2012 communists.

Dems R Commies
So I guess Flea Baggers is appropriate for the OWS pukes.

Hilda Solis does have it right. Obama is working for "them" the federal and state union member employees. What Hilda apparently doesn't seem to know is that it is the various states(in junction with local municipalities) that hire and fire teachers, police, firefighters, etc. Since the founding of our nation, the process of statehood and municipal incorporation have guided this with the premise that revenues are generated by local property and sales taxes. Obama's jobs bill is only going to prop up the unions long enough to get through this election cycle. The hard decisions are being and will be made after the "Obama candy" runs out in less than a year. In the mean time, states and municipallities do not have the true economic stimulus in the form of regulatory reduction and tax reform that they need in the private sector of their localized economies. If a true economic policy was in place other than tax and spend, there would suffiicent local and state revenues to sustain these local and state government employees. Solis, like so many elitist liberals, have the entire principles of sound economics backwards. Ultimately, the only job Solis and her ilk are interested in preserving is her/their own. Let's provide them a fresh private sector experience in 2012 by voting them out FOREVER!

Chris Alexander
When is this administration going to start leading and stop the name calling and pitting American against American? Leadership is about convincing people you are right, not picking fights with those who disagree. It is shameful what is happening in today's government.

Dick Large
Solis .................... a circus clown living in a ferry tail, what was that unemployment number 7.6 when the circus came to town and now 9.1 ... Yes that is change for sure ..... NEWS FLASH!!!! higher numbers MEAN it is WORSE.........

I think it is amazing the hypocrisy politicians play. On one hand you have the Tea Party who was organized, paid for permits, paid for security, paid for toilets, and basically paid for everything needed to express themselves in a civil manner regarding the status of our country.

Now we have this administration and other politicians backing up these Occupy Movements. These folks have not paid for a darn thing; they want it all free. In the mean time cities are running up a tab watching out for them. This administration backs up companies who have been defaulting on government loans and just wants to write it off.

Where is the fairness across the board? There is none. They are out to destroy the middle class. There are so many rich people in the U.S. Once they are tapped dry the next target will be the middle class.

Did someone call her a shriveled up old communist lesbian? How can she get away with this unanswered? I don't understand the hypocrisy surrounding the opponents of tea party members. They can make homosexual insulting references disparaging a Tea Party member's character but don't you dare say something about any protected class. That's completely taboo and should be dealt with by having Jesse Jackson or Al Sharpton shake the offender down.

debra booth
How sad that they chose Disney world to spew their b.s. what a way to ruin someone's vacation. what's-her-face should've walked around incognito; maybe in goofy's costume so she could hear what people really think of her & Barry's agenda

Bring it on, Barry--we're ready to fight you FLEABAGGERS.

grant olson
I find it beneath the office of a US cabinet member to refer to an opponent using a crude and offensive term. A "teabagger," according to the Huffington Post, is defined as: a man who dips his testicles into the mouth of another person (as if dipping a tea bag into hot water).

Although the left will claim the term has other meanings, it is clear they are using the term derogatorily with the above intent in mind.

Don Woods
What a peach Hilda is. If the idiot in the White House had any decency he would fire her for such remarks. Sadly, neither Obama nor any of his administration has any decency. I have never heard politicians call potential voters vile names before. Hopefully the American people will throw these fools out in 2012.

eve from eden
Construction workers need shovel ready jobs so to speak and we know jive turkey in charge laughed about that. You have to learn a foreign language to get a job. LIES Tea bagging is a filthy sexual term so why does the puke say nasty stuff like that?

Someone should wash her mouth out with soap and then take her task for using such a word to describe a group. Totally unacceptable and shows what a low class person this "water carrier" is. And then to heap lies on top? Obama has ONLY helped cronies and unions. And unions are one reason we no longer manufacture things in this country. Another reason is because government has become to restrictive for businesses to risk capital. And teachers? We have thrown away so much money in education and our children are not getting smarter. Get a grip...get out of businesses way because they are the only ones who create jobs. Government only siphons off money...and they are getting rich managing our hard earned tax dollars.

How can you say 65% of the people support Obama's jobs bill when there is not 60% who support Obama?

Thomas Newman
Obama does not work for my best interest. I'm not a public sector employee. His plan only benefits public sector unions that in turn donate to him and his political machine through union donations(yes I belong to a non public sector union). With the average government worker earning 140,000/year off the backs of the tax payers they need to be curbed.

Labor Secretary Hilda Solis is dumber than a box of rocks.

The American Jobs Act = 2 million jobs, she says . . . even if true, that's $225,000 per temporary, make-work job. Who in their right mind could ever think that's a good idea?

The "useful idiot" is just preaching to Obama's choir. That's all that's left (pun intended) to them. "Their chickens have come home to roost", cackle, cackle, blah, blah & yuk, yuking to the old hippies and their commie offspring.

What a despicable but entirely predictatble thing for a cabinet member in this administration to say. She evidently has intimate knowledge of teabagging. A shameful, despicable group has infiltrated our government. Absolutely vile.

More divisiveness and derogatory insults coming from the left. You leftists have no shame in light of your support for the nasty vile criminal animals infesting the OWS crowd. You people don't deserve a seat in political governance, you can't even act right or talk to people properly. Sickening. Most of you democrats will all be out of work in 2012.

I am always so impressed with the class and quality of Obama appointees. So proud of them to be our government leaders!! Solis is a shining light of what Americans want their kids to grow up to be ( sarcasm off finally)....foolish ideologues who have studied Alinsky very, very well and blindly follow the dreams "of their fathers"... while leading the USA off the cliff of Marxism.

Just praying we survive until Jan 2013 when we can finally start rolling back the damage.

No One Important
Always nice to see the cabinet members now insulting representatives that represent a "majority" of the nation now (they do have a majority in the house). . . . .always a good move. . . .insult Americans. . . . .is Hilda an illegal alien, like Obama's other relatives in the USA???

Tom McCue
I wonder why Solis didn't mention that federal workers don't have the same bargaining rights as the state workers to whom she was speaking?

It astonishes me that a cabinet secretary is calling any group a name associated with a gay sex act. Perhaps she has some experience with it. What a shameful, despicable crowd in this White House. Utterly disgusting.

It is high time the public and media started challenging these leftist attack dogs using such derogatory terms about patriotic American citizens. Where's the civility the Big O demands. Funny how the left only care about civility when they are challenged on their "facts".

I'm sick and tired of the left being allowed to be as inciting, hateful, racist, and insulting as they want to be without being called out and put down by their leaders and media.

Big Dog
Isn't it amazing that these people will disparage the TEA Party, a group that obeys the law and is peaceful, by calling them a sexually explicit name and all the while they will support the Occupy crowd. The FLEA (Free Loading Enemy of America) baggers commit rape, violence, vandalism, drug use and assault and the liberals love them.

It is also amazing that the keep screaming that the stimulus worked (so well we need more) and that it is supported when most people do NOT support it. As for public sector unions, no bargaining. We pay them and we should decide. They should not be able to launder money through their groups back to the Democrats.

The re-election there for Obama seems to be, send in the Boss, then the buffooms, then send in the clowns.
Obama makes a Florida appearance, then sends in Obiden, and finally organized labor. I wonder how else they are going to buy Florida votes. A chicken in every pot? Payouts to government workers?
God luck to a bad idea, heh.

Another Teabagger fool. The more you criticize us the stronger we get. I guess you like masturbating protesters on Wall Street better. How will this put construction workers back to work. It's the same recycled mess you spent before and no jobs came from that. Do Dems think all people are stupid as the democratic party is? The more Washington spends the worse it gets here on Main St. If they were poor and worked for a living they would see it just like we do and stop what they are doing. Unless they truly do wish to hurt the American People. I bet most of these folks ruling over us have never worked at any of the jobs where we are hurting today yesterday and will still be hurting from tomorrow. 2012 cannot come fast enough for me. It is truly time for a change and Herman Cain is the man.

Once again the regime displays it hypocrisy and arrogance. These Marxist want to destroy America!!!!!!!

Earl Lee Swagger
Very, very little of what the Obama or the members of the Ad. does or says is going to be believed. To little, to late. Even the Dem. are falling away. ABBO is now the word on the street. Individuals know that the Pres. is campaigning with hollow words, or worst.

NEED WE SAY MORE??? This is what happens when a dummy runs the country! Live and learn from this mistake my fellow Americans. Mark that calendar in November 2012, and get your friends to come out and vote this Moron out.