Just when we were told that the big nasty banks took advantage of all those folks who lied on their applications to get home loans, or just did not get a fair shake on their loan documents, now we can blame them for making too much money and paying bonuses to their employees.
What a surprise from our government; taxes, high taxes, on profits and bonuses paid. They just make up the taxes any time they want. You make money, they do not like you making "so much" so they come up with a tax, right there on the spot. Forget having a known tax code....making money is now just a gamble, since you never know how much the government wants to take of your profits.
Why would anyone take business risks, invest capital, and then hire employees if their tax on any profits is NOT KNOWN until the government tells that business what it will be? What is your business is really successful and makes a lot of money?
Well the government may decide that it is too much, and you need to be punished for your success with a 90% tax, for instance.
With this type of tax policy, how can we expect the economy to grow?